
To register your business for the Digital Wallsend Business Support programme, please complete ALL fields, unless otherwise stated.

The Digital Wallsend Business Support programme is part of the Town and High Streets Innovation Programme and is fully funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North of Tyne Combined Authority as the lead. 

In order for us to confirm your eligibility to receive support through this project, we are required to ask for specific information about your business, including basic financial information, as well as details of previous grant funding. Information provided will be kept for internal audits and monitoring only.

Business Details

Please input value as DD/MM/YYYY

Does not require the £ symbol.

If at least 51% of customers are a business then you are classified as Business to Business. If at least 51% of customers are individual customers then you are classified as Business to Customer.

Equality and Diversity Monitoring

The Accelerate Ashington Business Support Programme is committed to meeting the aims set out in our equality and diversity policy; to ensure equality and not discriminate against anyone under the Equality Act 2010.

The information that you provide will remain confidential and stored securely. Please tick the most relevant box.

Subsidy Control

In order to avoid public funding distorting competition within the European & UK Common Market, UK law regulates the levels of assistance which the public sector can provide to businesses (“Subsidy Control”). You should note carefully the requirements needed to comply with the UK subsidy control rules and if need be, refer to the relevant legislation.

It is proposed that the assistance provided needs to comply with the UK’s subsidy control regime since it will be provided in line with the Minimal Financial Assistance provision (in accordance with the UK subsidy control regime (Chapter 4 of the UK Subsidy Control Regime 2022).

If, within the current or past two fiscal years, your business, or any other business that it may be linked with, has received support from any public sources in any form, financial or non-financial, then your business may have received aid through the Minimal Financial Assistance provision.

MFA has a financial threshold so no recipient can receive more than £315,000 over the applicable period; The elapsed part of the current financial year (i.e. from 1 April), and the two financial years immediately preceding the current financial year.

Please complete the Statement of Previous Aid received under the Minimal Financial Assistance provision, remembering to give consideration to any other business that your business may be linked with. Using this information we will assess your eligibility to receive assistance.

If you are in any doubt as to whether previous assistance received would constitute Minimal Financial Assistance please contact a member of the team.


Please download and complete this document with your information. If you have not received any aid during the applicable period, please mark this as £0.

You will then need to save the document as a PDF before you can re-upload it back into this form.

You can do this in Word by clicking ‘File’, ‘Save As’ and then selecting ‘PDF’ from the ‘Save As Type’ dropdown menu.

Client Declaration

  • I acknowledge that I am receiving business advice from the date below and that I will notify you as soon as possible of any changes to my personal information or our status as an SME.
  • I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is correct and that I am authorised to represent this enterprise and understand the requirements of the Small Amounts of Financial Assistance provision

By registering onto the Digital Wallsend Programme you are providing consent for your details to be processed and shared with Advance Northumberland and North Tyneside Council who may contact you offering business support and to make you aware of the additional services that are available to your business.

How we use your data

We record information about all customers to enable us to provide you with the business support that you have registered for, to carry out specific functions for which we are responsible and to provide you with a high quality, accurate service.

We keep records of all of our customers, which may be written down (manual record) or kept on a computer (electronic records).

For detailed information on processing your personal data and how you can withdraw your consent, our privacy policy is here